Friday, May 29, 2009

Bitstrips Frustration leads to DoppelMe

I have made a Mrs. V bitstrip and everytime I try to fine tune I dislike it more and more! Maybe there is something I just haven't figured out! That frustration led to a google search and behold I found DoppelMe! There were a few more options and color choices, which I really liked! There were also more background choices and I found one that actually looks like a classroom! You can check it out at They even have costumes - so if you want to be a geisha or a storm trooper - you can! Enjoy!

Summer Fun Begins

The school year is over and what a year its been - a really great one! I team taught this year and we had a great time with a lot of learning. My focus was on math, science and social studies and my partner teacher, Mrs. Debbie Link, taught language arts! Now that the school year is over it's time to focus on my own learning : ) First up - teaching a blogging class to high school students! Wish me luck!